Beer Ingredients
Showing 261–280 of 357 results
Northwest Ale
$13.99Wyeast’s Activator Smack Pack contains at least 100 billion yeast cells.
Nottingham Ale Brewing Yeast
$5.9511 grams of dry ale yeast. Very reliable and straightforward English strain.
Nugget (US)
$1.951 oz of pelletized hops.
Nut Brown Ale
$40.95A 5-gallon Extract and Specialty Grain kit we’ve developed here at the Homebrew Emporium.
Oatmeal Stout Ingredient Kit
$51.95A 5-gallon Extract and Specialty Grain kit by Brewers Best®.
Oktoberfest Lager Blend
$13.99Wyeast’s Activator Smack Pack contains at least 100 billion yeast cells.
Oktoberfest/Marzen Lager
$15.99PurePitch liquid yeast culture containing 100 billion yeast cells in a 40 mL slurry.
Old Bavarian Lager
$15.99PurePitch liquid yeast culture containing 100 billion yeast cells in a 40 mL slurry.
Pacific Ale
$15.99PurePitch liquid yeast culture containing 100 billion yeast cells in a 40 mL slurry.
Pacific Coast IPA Ingredient Kit
$49.95A 5-gallon Extract and Specialty Grain kit by Brewers Best®.
Pacific Jade (NZ)
$2.951 oz of pelletized hops.
Paddy’s Irish Red
$40.95A 5-gallon Extract and Specialty Grain kit we’ve developed here at the Homebrew Emporium.
Palisade® (US)
$2.951 oz of pelletized hops.
Peach Flavoring Extract
$5.95A 4 oz bottle of natural flavor extract.
Pear Flavoring Extract
$5.95A 4 oz bottle of natural flavor extract.
Pediococcus damnosus
$15.99PurePitch liquid yeast culture containing 100 billion yeast cells in a 40 mL slurry.
Perle (GR)
$2.951 oz of pelletized hops.
Pete’s Wacked Ale
$45.95A 5-gallon Extract and Specialty Grain kit we’ve developed here at the Homebrew Emporium.
Pilsen Lager
$13.99Wyeast’s Activator Smack Pack contains at least 100 billion yeast cells.
Pilsner Lager
$15.99PurePitch liquid yeast culture containing 100 billion yeast cells in a 40 mL slurry.
Showing 261–280 of 357 results