Very High (<15% ABV)
Showing all 8 results
Alcotec 24hr Turbo Yeast
$8.95205 gram packet of dry distiller’s yeast.
Dry Mead
$13.99Wyeast’s Activator Smack Pack contains at least 100 billion yeast cells.
Lalvin EC-1118
$1.505 gram packet of a low-foaming champagne yeast.
Red Star Cuvee
$1.505 gram packet of dry wine yeast.
Red Star DADY Yeast
$12.951 lb packet of dry distiller’s yeast.
Red Star Premium Blanc
$1.505 gram packet of dry wine yeast.
Super High Gravity
$15.99PurePitch liquid yeast culture containing 100 billion yeast cells in a 40 mL slurry.
Sweet Mead
$15.99PurePitch liquid yeast culture containing 100 billion yeast cells in a 40 mL slurry.
Showing all 8 results