This article is one in a series describing the seasonal yeasts put out by our liquid yeast manufacturers. This one is.. White Labs 860 Munich Helles Yeast “This yeast helps to produce a malty, but balanced traditional Munich-style lager. Clean and strong fermenter, it’s great for a variety of lager styles ranging from Helles to[…]
Seasonal Yeast – White Labs WLP017 Whitbread Ale Yeast
This article is one in a series describing the seasonal yeasts put out by our liquid yeast manufacturers. This one is.. White Labs 017 Whitbread Ale “Traditional mixed yeast culture. British style character, slightly fruity, with a hint of sulfur production. This yeast can be used for many different beer styles. The most traditional choices[…]
Seasonal Yeast – Wyeast 1882-PC Thames Valley Ale II™
This article is one in a series describing the seasonal yeasts put out by our liquid yeast manufacturers. This one is.. Wyeast 1882-PC Thames Valley Ale II™ “[This strain] produces crisp, dry English ales with a rich malt profile and moderate stone fruit esters. This attenuative strain is also highly flocculent, resulting in bright beers not[…]
Seasonal Yeast – Wyeast 1768-PC English Special Bitter™
This article is one in a series describing the seasonal yeasts put out by our liquid yeast manufacturers. This one is.. Wyeast 1768-PC English Special Bitter™ “A great yeast for malt-predominate ales. Produces light fruit and ethanol aromas along with soft, nutty flavors. Exhibits a mild malt profile with a neutral finish. Bright beers are easily[…]
Seasonal Yeast – Wyeast 1026-PC British Cask Ale™
This article is one in a series describing the seasonal yeasts put out by our liquid yeast manufacturers. This one is.. Wyeast 1026-PC British Cask Ale™ “A great yeast choice for any cask conditioned British ale style, and especially well-suited for hoppy bitters, IPAs and Australian ales. A good attenuator that clears readily. Low to moderate[…]
Seasonal Yeast – White Labs WLP022 Essex Ale Yeast
This article is one in a series describing the seasonal yeasts put out by our liquid yeast manufacturers. This one is.. White Labs WLP002 Essex Ale Yeast “[A] flavorful British style yeast. Drier finish than many British ale yeast. Produces slightly fruity and bready character. Good top fermenting yeast strain, is well suited for top[…]
MHE’s Quarterly Brewing Challenge – Winter 2016
There are a lot of great English-style specialty strains coming out from Wyeast and White Labs this quarter. Brew a batch with one of these strains and you’re eligible to enter our contest! There is no entry fee so long as you purchase your yeast from the Homebrew Emporium. We’ll generate some BJCP scoresheets to[…]
Seasonal Yeast – White Labs WLP037 North Yorkshire Ale Yeast
This article is one in a series describing the seasonal yeasts put out by our liquid yeast manufacturers. This one is.. White Labs WLP037 North Yorkshire Ale Yeast Formerly known as Yorkshire Square Ale Yeast (2015 release). “This yeast produces a beer that is malty, but well-balanced. Expect flavors that are toasty with malt-driven esters.[…]
Seasonal Yeast – White Labs WLP815 Belgian Lager Yeast
This article is one in a series describing the seasonal yeasts put out by our liquid yeast manufacturers. This one is.. White Labs WLP815 Belgian Lager Yeast “Clean, crisp European lager yeast with low sulfur production. The strain originates from a very old brewery in West Belgium. Great for European style pilsners, dark lagers, Vienna[…]
Holiday Beer Equipment / Ingredient Kit Combo Specials!
*** Holiday Gift Specials *** – offer is valid until January 4th, 2016 Buy a Beer Equipment kit and any Brewer’s Best or True Brew ingredient kit worth up to $40 for $99.95 (regularly $124.95). Customer pays the difference for ingredient kits greater than $40 in value. ——————————————————————— Add-on Specials for Holiday Equipment purchases: Buy[…]